Just a quick message to pass on my best wishes and huge thanks for your support for 2016!
I've got big plans for the blog for 2017. I'll be giving more info about this in the coming weeks. And I've (finally) put samples of two of my screenplays for you to enjoy. The first is a Zombie/Western! Rush of the Dead is about a young bounty hunter searching for redemption in the gold rush of 1848. And it's all going quite well, until a zombie outbeak! I've put the first ten pages for your consideration. There will be more coming later in 2017, but feel free to let me know if I'm on the right track with what I've got so far! There's a simple form to fill at the bottom of the page and I'd be grateful for any feedback. Same goes for my action/thriller Soothsayer about a man who has a premonition about the death of the President. But can he regain his self-belief in time to make a difference? This one only has the opening sequence, but again, let me know what you think! Thanks again for your support and if you haven't already followed me on social media, you can do so now by clicking the colourful buttons at the bottom of the page! All the best over the festive season! See you in 2017! Comments are closed.
In this blog I'll be bringing to you short tales of things that go bump in the night, true stories of weird and unexplained events, and the real-life news of all things odd and macabre, and entertain you along the way. Categories
October 2023